There was R358 million budgeted for bursaries for post-graduate education, split over three years. A South African citizen. Mr Naidoo turned to the aim and strategic objectives of the budget process, public finance and budget management, and the legislative framework for financial oversight. Mr Naidoo noted that it was then identified that this had not been approved in the 2010 budget, but an employee of another programme had asked an employee in the Chief Financial Officer’s office to make the improper transfer. These included enhancing the productive capacity of the economy, rolling infrastructure plans to expand fixed assets, enhancing job creation by supporting labour intensive industries and expanding employment-creating government programmes, and investing in human development and maintaining a progressive social security net. "competitive bidding process" means a competitive bidding process . Communications is inherently central to the IDP process as citizens are defined by law to be part of the municipality and to actively participate in municipal planning, budgeting, drafting of by-laws and policies, and monitoring of performance of the municipality - all of which . The main role-players in the municipal process referred to . Found inside – Page 253APPENDIX Report on gender budgeting , the role of parliament Expert paper ... of the budget cycle and the role of parliamentarians in this process will be ... Members asked what the administration programmes covered, and questioned the difference between “current payments” and the figures set out in the ENE. Once passed, these confirmed the allocations to each department. Mr Naidoo responded that this happened in the middle of November, before the budget. African legislation such as the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, Public Audit Act, (25 of 2004, Public Finance Management Act, 1 of 1999 and Local government: Municipal Finance Management Act , 56 of 2003 including the White Paper on Transforming through a public financial intermediary (e.g., a municipal bank . She further enquired whether, when adjustments were done in November, the money would be available in November or whether it would only be included in the next year’s budget. accountability between community and officials 9 There must be commitment by councillors and officials to the whole process South Africa has successfully piloted a system of community-based planning (CBP) at ward level. If a committee was unhappy about the expenditure, NT would be asked to table a set of forward-looking recommendations on the problem. Ms Dunjwa reiterated that over-spending still remained a problem. Matters relating to safety, health and environment were fundamental in the budget process, as well anti-poverty initiatives. Ms Shinn asked an inaudible question on page 733 of the ENE. NT would try to ensure that the departments were not duplicating efforts, that the spending was related to the project outcome, and that Treasury was not double-spending in one year. He stressed that prevention was better than cure. In 2017, according to the AG, it overspent its operating budget by 9.3% and underspent almost half of its capital budget, or 48.3%. mocracy in South Africa (Idasa), the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and others have pointed out, the legislative Budget stage provides the crucial opportunity to check the Budget against citizen's preferences.5 Furthermore, there is currently no literature on the parliamentary Budget process in the South African context. Minister Tito Mboweni: Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, 28 October. The additional allocation would be approved. Mr Naidoo responded that Parliament considered the Appropriation Bill and the Division of Revenue Bill. Members had an idea of the book and were better able to understand the tables. The Chairperson responded that where there was a problem in provincial governance, such as wasteful expenditure, National government could dissolve that structure and send in another department. Increased to 80% by 2015. The total amount being allocated to Sunrise State. South Africa News. 0 8 . The Budget and Budget Preparation process shall comply with the requirements of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003, read in conjunction with the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations (32141 dated 17 April 2009), and complies with mSCOA (Municipal Found inside – Page 561South Africa's new Integrated Coastal Management Act makes it clear that the ... available from the municipal budget due to the fact that climate change is ... , Those who qualified were invited to submit bids in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP), issued by the Municipality on In a process which started in June 1994 (South Africa, 1998a; South Africa, 1998b) and culminated in the Disaster Management Act No. NT then drafted the Appropriation Bill and the Division of Revenue Bill, based on the proposed budgets, and the Bills would be considered by Parliament. 2.1. overview of annual budget process 70 2.2. overview of alignment of annual budget with idp 72 2.3. measurable performance objectives and indicators 79 2.4. budget related policies 91 2.5. overview of budget assumptions 94 2.6. overview of budget funding 97 2.7. Prioritisation of evaluations 15 2. 2. Information on the legislative process. Mr Naidoo said the relevant legislation was the Appropriation Act, which was passed annually, the Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure Act (AENE Act), the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). Ms Shinn assumed that the balance would be paid before the end of March. Mr Nonkonyana would like to see a formal proposal that Parliament could engage and intervene further in the process. National Treasury finally gave a short presentation on Vote 34, relating to the Department of Science and Technology, as well as the 2011 Medium Term Expenditure Framework baseline budgets for the nine departments in the Economic Services cluster. Found inside8 ; 5 , 18 REGULATIONS , AEC , see also LICENSING POLICY AND PROCEDURE ... 2 , 52 RADIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AEC FY ' 71 budget , 2 , 13 AEC public relations ... This, having been picked up, was timeously corrected. Typically, there would be a base line and then some additional money, but some money might not have been able to have been spent. He summarised the budget. 5. The Chairperson commented that if NT could support this, it would mean a big difference in the number of PhD graduates. The institutional framework for government in South Africa was established in 1996 when the country adopted it first democratic Constitution. Parliament and the Budget Process. 56 of 2003). Read Paper. 3.1.2. Found inside – Page 493The Republic of South Africa requires an elecreason we are raising a ... with our provincial legislatures that results in general budgetary processes . About changing budget process to involve all actors, both political and at . The Chairperson urged Members to summarise their concerns and ask National Treasury to elaborate on them. There was no open formula for funds allocation for the country. Unlike other forms of participative Explanations were given on process and reporting, slow spending, under-performing programmes, efficiency savings and inflation-related adjustments. corruption. He noted here that the criteria were identifying outputs and outcomes, the detailed costing of the proposals, and consideration of whether they had been costed bearing in mind the life cycle of the project and the spending over the MTEF. - Organise pre-workshops to prepare participants. Revenue generated from rates and service charges forms a significant percentage of the revenue basket for the municipality. DEFINITION 'Succession planning' is an ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing and developing talent and capacity to ensure continuity in specific positions in the organisation. Continuation of briefing The total budget was R192 million, and current payments accounted for R189 million, while transfers and subsidies accounted for R1 million. A performance appraisal - also known as performance evaluation or performance review - is a meeting between an employee and manager to discuss the employee's performance. BMIT's report on ICT expenditure in government examines the three tiers of government in South Africa, namely, national, provincial and local. Valuable knowledge sharing on international and local South African models & activities. Mr Naidoo clarified that the total was R192 million, which was made up (with rounding) of R189 million plus R1 million for transfers and subsidies. and in the case of a district or local municipality to all Municipal Disaster Management Centres in its area of jurisdiction In terms of Section 45(1) " a municipal council must, subject to the provisions of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. The size of the National Government deficit. Members noted that the NRF was concerned about human capital development and funding, pointing out that if all the allocations for skills development that were currently made to each department were to be pooled under the auspices of the NRF, who had both the skills and competence to run programmes, it would have far greater impact. If this should contribute to a deeper understanding of the stresses and strains that newly democratizing economies and govern-ments have to contend with, I will consider my job well done. He stressed again that it must be remembered that the budget structure provided for a three-year cycle. For instance, he cited a Ministerial announcement some years ago about the building of a court in a particular municipality, yet when the local municipality followed up with the provincial departments, there was nothing on paper, and this uncertainty continued for the next two years. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, 2015 RP123/2015 186 pp ISBN: 978--621-43498-9 A complete set of Stats SA publications is available at Stats SA Library and the following libraries: National Library of South Africa, Pretoria Division National Library of South Africa, Cape Town . Some municipalities have set targets for reducing GHG emissions, for increased energy efficiency and for the use of renewable energy (see Introduction Chapter). Mr Naidoo cited the Budget Review Recommendations Report (BRRR), and said that NT would respond to each committee’s recommendations and analysis. . Found insideIn South African Property Owners Association v The Council of the City of ... the budget process in terms of the Rates Act, the Local Government: Municipal ... 9 A. F61scher, W. Krafchik & I. Shapiro, Transparency and Participation in the Budget Process. - Define roles and responsibilities of units and committees. The Role of Political Parties at the Local Government . He suggested that this Portfolio Committee should have some engagement and consultation beforehand, and could intervene where there was any outcry. achieve municipal budgeting legitimacy at Metsimaholo Local Municipality. Given the above legislation, South African Local Government plans are expected to reflect 'o A good example is the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. He noted the transfers to the National Research Foundation of R3.3 billion over three years. Parliament then passed the Appropriation Act and Division of Revenue Act (DORA) for that for that particular year, to allocate resources to different government departments and spheres of government. It set out the 2011 MTEF baseline budget for the nine Economic Services Departments, and their three-year allocation of R96.2 billion. The local group can meet again in the form of the Rand Water sponsored 'Communications Forum' to finalize the programme and start with planning . He now wanted to expand on the budget process, which was complex. Parliament, Monday 8 July 2019 - Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, through the Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations, has invited the public to make written submissions on the 2019 Appropriation Bill, which Minister of Finance Mr Tito Mboweni tabled with the 2019 Budget on 20 February. 32 of 2000) appoint a person as head of its municipal disaster management centre. The Chairperson said one of the duplications that National Treasury should take into consideration was highlighted by the National Research Foundation (NRF) on the skills development entity. Found inside – Page 222In the South African context, as spelled out in greater detail later, ... primary locus of integration is at the municipal level through the IDP process. Although NRF had the ideas, it did not have the funding. Only relevant . Wastage in the national health budget. If this should contribute to a deeper understanding of the stresses and strains that newly democratizing economies and govern-ments have to contend with, I will consider my job well done. The key objective of the Municipal Finance Management Act (2003) (MFMA) is to modernise municipal financial management in South Africa so as to lay a sound financial base for the sustainable delivery of services. Matters reported by external and internal auditors should receive timeous management attention, internal controls should address the following key areas: Leadership. Download PDF. Departmental expenditure was monitored by the submission of monthly reports to NT. The adjustment budget ran simultaneously with the next year’s allocation process, and between December and February departments would draft a chapter with the necessary changes, which would be tabled during the budget speech to Parliament, along with the Appropriation Bill and Division of Revenue Bill. The Expenditure Planning unit designs and manages the South African national budget process and plays a central role in preparing and publishing the various budget documents. Assessment of requests for job evaluatio n 14 G. Prioritisation and programming 15 1. Found inside – Page 531Key initiatives have been the introduction of the Municipal Budget and ... spheres of government are autonomous, was a consultative process in South Africa. The budget decision-making process is a matrix that requires coordination across the three spheres of government and involves engagements with various committees . It created certainty in the market, for departments could receive additional money for unavoidable and unforeseeable matters. Once each of the bills was passed by Parliament, they became Acts. Parliament of the Republic of South Africa - Parliament of . He agreed that the efforts of the Ministry of Science and Technology cut across many areas, but in relation to the funding NT tried to ensure there was no duplication. 3. Municipal funds invested in VBS could've improved service delivery. Around June or July every year National Treasury invited departments to submit their budget proposals for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), which dealt with the period for the following three years. Transfers to the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) were also highlighted, and the breakdown for the various programmes was highlighted. assist all councillors in modernising municipal planning, budgeting and reporting that collectively will lead to improved financial management and service delivery. He would be very happy to discuss this with the DST and NRF. She enquired what NT was doing about this. Mr Naidoo turned to the budget summary, as set out in the ENE at page 733, for year 1 of the MTEF. National government, provincial government and local government He thanked Mr Naidoo for his input. South Africa News. The Chairperson thanked Mr Naidoo for the very important training in helping Members as to how to interrogate reports that came to Parliament and how frequently they should be monitored, in terms of bi-monthly reports to Cabinet and so forth. Ultimately the budget process centred on improving the ability of government to deliver its services. During the course of any financial year a department might run into difficulty, and it would be necessary to make allocations. Ms M Shinn (DA) asked what happened to money that was not spent, and whether it could it be formally deferred or rolled over. THE BUDGET PROCESS • The Mayor must establish a budget steering committee to provide technical assistance in discharging, amongst others, the following responsibilities: - General political guidance over the budget process and the priorities that must guide the preparation of the budget; Budget Process 2. The overall sizing of government ICT spend is assessed, and the report focuses in particular on the government departments and provinces that have big ICT budgets. He proposed that Mr Naidoo should raise with NT the concerns about budgeting components for human development. Found inside – Page 506Source: National Treasury of South Africa 2004a, 2006a, 2006b. for the financing ... and the annual budget process, establishing a credible budget process, ... NT encouraged private sector investment, public/private partnerships, approaches to and development finance institutions. Ms Mocumi asked what recourse was taken if a department did not submit a monthly report. % of municipal waste that gets diverted from landfill sites for recycling. Departments were required to complete schedules of monthly drawings. General. If revenue was higher than expenditure, that was referred to as a budget surplus, but if expenditure was higher than revenue that was referred to as a budget deficit, or what was called the public sector borrowing requirement. Public participation within the three spheres of government is a constitutional prerequisite. MBD Municipal Bidding Document MFMA The Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. Mr Naidoo said that NT had many meetings with Dr van Jaarsveld and his team, and Dr Molapo. Budget documents. Found inside – Page 696-28Meeting targets for South Africa's basic needs requires leveraging significant ... South Africa's efforts to roll out a new municipal budget process to 75 ... The enactment of the 1996 Constitution in South Africa ushered in an environment of democracy and accountability. All those pieces of legislation provided the platform for expenditure control by central government, provincial government and local government. This adjustment process was called the “Mini Budget”. Strategic plan 2015/2016 - 2019/2020 / Statistics South Africa. #®bÇbÂÅøå Get registered with relevant departments on their database: Goods and services: For tenders under R30 000 the relevant government department will usually approach three registered providers for a quote. It would be preferable to ensure, in advance, that the proper supply chain management processes were in place to take matters further. Found inside – Page 265Pretoria, South Africa: Department of Provincial and Local Government, ... “Rebudgeting: The Serial Nature of Municipal Budgetary Processes. This indeed characterises the South African law making process which claim to put people as the centre of policy making. He enquired where the reporting lines lay. D. Sithole. A department that could not spend the money would declare under expenditure in a certain programme, and then might have the option to spend this money in other programmes, as approved, or apply to NT to roll over the money to another financial year. He illustrated this by looking at Vote 34, pointing out that the budget summary appeared at the top, and there were four columns for 2011/12, one for 2012/13 and one for 2013/14. In a representative context, the Members of Parliament (MPs) represent the views of the The point was also made that sometimes the Minister might announce something of which provincial and local government was unaware, and asked where reporting lines and responsibilities lay, and how the Provincial Equitable Share would work. Republic of South Africa Bill of Rights Intergovernmental . Again, there should be better systems, and early warning systems, for the bigger amounts to prevent any improper spending and ensure that stated amounts were spent according to the budget. Found inside – Page 148In 2003, with the introduction of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) (Republic of South Africa 2003), government's reform process then moved into ... budgeting process in order to explain the dynamic nature of the public finance management system in South Africa. regulation of emissions in South Africa and the current legislativeframeworks and procedures which guide the process. She enquired when the money relating to the budget would be distributed to the various entities, whether this was done before or after the budget vote was passed in the House, and whether the money would be available from the next year, from July to July. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Soweto uprisings. 1. A department could not request money in advance that was way in excess of its needs, so the financial management systems ensured that money, as needed, was provided. Ms Shinn was also interested in the actual payment cycle. Tenders of more than R30 000 must generally be advertised to all subscribers. Found inside – Page 165“The Revitalization of Local Government in South Africa. ... “Community Participation in the Municipal Budget Process: Two South African Case Studies. Members also commented that although departments would have to report to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, it had no power to enforce its recommendations and often Parliament was not being proactive enough to ensure that Cabinet addressed the issues strongly enough. Mr Naidoo replied that the ENE represented the financial plan for the next three financial years. Found inside – Page 27Revenue generation is the complementary aspect of government expenditure and is also covered in the budget process. As with expenditure, the analysis of how ... Once Parliament had considered and passed the Appropriation Bill, this was the legal authorisation to spend according to the ENE. Mr Naidoo responded that a good example of such a project would be that on Acid Mine Drainage, which spanned the departments of Water Affairs and Mining. Found inside – Page 249The matter thus turned on whether the Municipality's 2013/14 budget could lawfully be ... LEACH JA 2014 SACLR 246 (A) [7] In South African Property Owners ... Decided to spend more time on this exchange rather than push through to the final detail of the programmes. Mr Naidoo responded that this book was prepared in advance, and related to the next financial year, so although it had been tabled by the Minister in Parliament in the previous week, the numbers in the budget summary applied to the 2011/12 financial year, from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012. 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